An Unparalleled Vision

Christopher Tennant, the legend behind the vision, was a Scottish-born aristocrat eschewing academia in favour of the pursuit of entrepreneurship and adventure.
Spirited, successful, good-humoured, and blessed with an insatiable wanderlust, Christopher instilled in his children a fascination with global cultures and gifted them with resiliency, determination, and impeccable standards and sensibilities.
Andrea, his partner in the adventure of life, carried the vision forward, capturing their legacy and expanding it for their children.
Transforming this passion and generational legacy, Andrew envisioned Christopher Global, a global, immersive, experiential service that captures the depth of culture while curating purpose and adventure for our guests.
In this way, Andrew honours both the memory of his father, Christopher, and the courage of his mother, Andrea...
...and ultimately you, our guests, who embrace your own pursuit of legacy, curiosity and experience.

The very spirit of CG Sensibilities.

"Who knows what we have ahead, but it surely will be different and an adventure which few others can dream about."
- Christopher Tennant
Where Culture and History meet Luxury and Experience.
© 2024 - Christopher Global